Re: What to do about Open Font License violations?
That particular link to the Vizio case does not work for me. Here is a general link that does: https://fossa.com/blog/massive-implications-software-freedom-conservancy-vs-vizio/ The fact that the cou…1 -
Re: Is anyone actually using color fonts?
Why not do all the above? I would think you would design in full color and then do everything else from there: export whatever flavors of color font you want, as well as layered separate faces, as ne…2 -
Re: Information Theoretic View of Font Design
By “width” do you mean advance width?1 -
Re: Ignoring Extremum in Flared Serif?
On that V in particular, those two potential inner extrema points are very unlikely to get used in hinting. They are not part of some standardized distance you would want to control. They could get r…5 -
Re: Transforming Typeface Design: Moving Beyond Gutenberg and Roman Traditions
https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/develop/word-recognition The bouma theory is basically bullshit. Parallel letterwise recognition is the primary factor in reading words. There is a vast …2